Wisdom Guild ホーム

森の賢人/Wood Sage

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Creature - Human/Druid
{T}: Name a creature card. Reveal the top four cards of your library and put all of them with that name into your hand. Put the rest into your graveyard.

Creature - Human/Druid
{T}: Choose a creature card name. Reveal the top four cards of your library and put all of them with that name into your hand. Put the rest into your graveyard.


Creature - Human Druid
{T}: Name a creature card. Reveal the top four cards of your library and put all of them with that name into your hand. Put the rest into your graveyard.

Creature - Human/Druid
{T}: Name a creature card. Reveal the top four cards of your library and put all of them with that name into your hand. Put the rest into your graveyard.


Creature - Human Druid
{T}: Name a creature card. Reveal the top four cards of your library. Put any of them that are the named card into your hand and the rest into your graveyard.

Creature - Human Druid
{T}: Name a creature card. Reveal the top four cards of your library and put all of them with that name into your hand. Put the rest into your graveyard.


Creature - Druid
{T}: Name a creature card. Reveal the top four cards of your library. Put any of them that are the named card into your hand and the rest into your graveyard.

Creature - Human Druid
{T}: Name a creature card. Reveal the top four cards of your library. Put any of them that are the named card into your hand and the rest into your graveyard.

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