Wisdom Guild ホーム

Letter Bomb

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Artifact -
When Letter Bomb enters the battlefield, sign it and shuffle it into target player's library. That player reveals each card they draw until they draw Letter Bomb. When that player draws Letter Bomb, it deals 19{1/2} damage to them.

Artifact -
When Letter Bomb enters, sign it and shuffle it into target player's library. That player reveals each card they draw until they draw Letter Bomb. When that player draws Letter Bomb, it deals 19{1/2} damage to them.


Artifact -
When Letter Bomb enters the battlefield, sign it and shuffle it into target player's library. That player reveals each card he or she draws until he or she draws Letter Bomb. When that player draws Letter Bomb, it deals 19{1/2} damage to him or her.

Artifact -
When Letter Bomb enters the battlefield, sign it and shuffle it into target player's library. That player reveals each card they draw until they draw Letter Bomb. When that player draws Letter Bomb, it deals 19{1/2} damage to them.


Artifact -
When Letter Bomb comes into play, sign it and shuffle it into target player's library. That player reveals each card he or she draws until Letter Bomb is drawn. When that player draws Letter Bomb, it deals 19{1/2} damage to him or her.

Artifact -
When Letter Bomb enters the battlefield, sign it and shuffle it into target player's library. That player reveals each card he or she draws until he or she draws Letter Bomb. When that player draws Letter Bomb, it deals 19{1/2} damage to him or her.


Artifact -
When Letter Bomb comes into play, sign it and shuffle it into target player's library. That player reveals each card he or she draws until Letter Bomb is drawn. When that player draws Letter Bomb, it deals 19

Artifact -
When Letter Bomb comes into play, sign it and shuffle it into target player's library. That player reveals each card he or she draws until Letter Bomb is drawn. When that player draws Letter Bomb, it deals 19{1/2} damage to him or her.

© 1999-2025 Wisdom Guild, OWLAIR networks, All rights reserved.
管理者連絡先 | 権利表記 (実行時間:12.197 ミリ秒)