Creature - Hellion Devour 1 (As this enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. This creature enters the battlefield with that many +1/+1 counters on it.) <CR> When Caldera Hellion enters the battlefield, it deals 3 damage to each creature. | Creature - Hellion Devour 1 (As this enters, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. This creature enters with that many +1/+1 counters on it.) <CR> When Caldera Hellion enters, it deals 3 damage to each creature. |
Creature - Hellion Devour 1 (As this comes into play, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. This creature comes into play with that many +1/+1 counters on it.) <CR> When Caldera Hellion comes into play, it deals 3 damage to each creature. | Creature - Hellion Devour 1 (As this enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice any number of creatures. This creature enters the battlefield with that many +1/+1 counters on it.) <CR> When Caldera Hellion enters the battlefield, it deals 3 damage to each creature. |